Part Three of a fantasy story written from January to March of 1992 on Nemesis BBS. [From: Nomad Re: Woman] "How indead," said Flawsquaw. "As I have said, it took all my power to bring you here... and the bill from the electric company is gonna be outrageous! I cannot afford any more than this." Trailblazer's head reeled again. Why did the writers of this story keep turning his perceptions upside down? First the stuff with SirLoin and Jonathan, then the business about The Sign, and now this! He madly shook his head to clear the confusion. "So, where are we going to get the power we need to bring the rest of the Group in here?" "Obviously," said Flawsquaw, "we can't get any more from my end. We have to draw some power from where you just came from." "I have no idea where," said Trailblazer, "we are trapped... or rather, they are trapped... in an empty cave. And there is this gigantic, powerful monster outside RRRRROOOooooooaaaaaring at them." "Well, that's you answer right there!" "Huh?" "Sap the power from the Demanicus!" Trailblazer's jaw hit the floor, so to speak. "Why yes! Of course!" [From: Turbo Re: Woman] Just then...a largeEarthQuake occurred!RRRRUUUUMMMMBBBBLLLLEEEE!!!! Just....where did this Quake come from... It twas I...Turbo!I have the power of the Books of Y's! Just to tell you...If I destroy these books...Every living being on this planet will dye...Including that great monster (That I Conjured up) is time to dye! Turbo murmured aspell an the Y's books wentup in flames! [From: Jonathan Re: Hmmm] (The Book of Y's was the original quest that was put upon us...If they are destroyed [As apparently Turbo has done {supposedly that is, Something may come up}] then what else is there to do with that quest? What was the purpose of ending it like that Turbo? Some answers would be good here.....Talk to all of you later) [From: Turbo Re: Hmmm] First Thing...they are not destroyed.They went up in flames.There were no I MUST have teleported then somewhere.Hmmm...And it's not over because Demonicus is still alive.Hmmm...And me...What about me...I'm going crazy!I'm the one who started most of this.The Only thing that can stop Demonicus are the Y's must get out of the Demonicus...find the books...get them from whoever (or whatever) has them now...And Kill Demonicus!!!! Oh...and deal with Turbo. _______ /urbo [From: Jonathan Re: Hmmm] Ah...Ok...Cool..Never actually thought of those aspects Cya [From: Jonathan Re: Ok...Let's see] Oh my God Turbo What have you done????? Jonathan screamed!!!! Where are the books? [From: Nomad Re: Hmmm] Can we PLEASE stick with ONE PLOT AT A TIME?!?!?!?!?! Here I am, building up to a major plot event... and Turbo comes along with something else entirely! AAAAAAaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!! Deal with the Flawsquaw/Trailblazer resurrection of SirLoin thing FIRST, THEN we can deal with the books and the monster!! >Sigh< Signed: Nomad [From: Sirloin Re: as] Trailblazer and his 'babe' talk,they hear a mysterious voice"I think were in trouble" and it drifted off. "hmmmmm..." trailblazer thought.... THen suddenly,the roof opened, and down came 20 scantly clad hippos in tutus humming the theme to 'Green Acres' 'BELGIUM!' Trailblazer's babe said,which is the lowest form of cursing on Frogstar B. I wonder what this means?!?!?!?' asked trailblazer. "OOOOOHHHHHHH" came a voice from above, "I am coming" [From: Turbo Re: Well...] As one plot moves along...Turbo answers and says,"They are in a differenpart of our world...I teleported them their!"The only way to stop all this Havoc is to get them back!But,you never will...Because you have no idea where they are!Muahahahaha!Well...I have no time to deal with you welps!*POOF*Turbo goes up in a ball of flames (But he's not dead). RRROOOAAARRR!!! Oh Great!We still have that stupid monster to deal with! All of the sudden a large hand comes in the cave.The hand was big,ugly,harry,and has two sharp Fingure nails in each of his fingures! may continue with your plot... [From: Nomad Re: How many plots can you cram into one phonebooth?] So, Trailblazer and Flawsquaw stared at the twenty scantily clad pink hippos in baby blue tutus, wondering why on Earth they were all humming the tune to "Green Acres" instead of, say, "Happy Days." "I'm coming!" said the strange voice from the trapdoor in the ceiling, the voice seemed much closer now. Flawsquaw looked annoyed. She glared at the tap-dancing hippos and started to wag her finger at them... ...when suddenly a guy in purple leotards fell through the trapdoor, declaring "I'm HERE!" Flawsquaw now directed her glare at the man in purple. "WHAT are you guys doing invading MY private domain!" The man in purple had meanwhile been looking around him, and was now looking at a display on a small device he pulled out of a satchel. "Ooops!" he said. "It appears I mis-set my interspacial coordinates. I was trying to get to a biiig shindig in the 87th dimension. Let me try this again." He punched a few buttons, and then suddenly he, the hippos, and the trapdoor vanished. "So," said Trailblazer, "where were we?" Flawsquaw pulled a small device out of her pocket, it looked similar to the device the man in purple had used. "Getting the other Group members here, is where we were. We just need to lock onto the Demanicus...." She punched some buttons, studied the tiny display, and punched more buttons. "Uhoh!" "'Uhoh!' what?" asked Trailblazer. "Looks like the monster is trying to grab the others back inside the cave! We'd better work fast!" She punched buttons madly. Meanwhile, back in the fantasy universe: The Demanicus fumbled blindly about through the cave entrance. His arm was just about small enough to fit through the opening, but he could not see into the cave to determine what he was doing. His hand blundered into one of the Group, and he immediately grabbed this person and yanked him out into the open. [From: Nomad Re: How many plots can you cram into one phonebooth?] (Continuing) It was Turbo! "What do you think you are DOING, you big, clumsy oaf! I'm your MASTER! I released you from the Other Place! Put me down and grab the OTHER ones in there, instead!" The monster held him up in the air and sort of stared dumbly at him. It took a moment for the situation to sink into the stupid brute's brain, and then he took real amuzement at having his old tormentor in his hands. The monster smiled, grimly amused at the reversal of roles. "Put me DOWN, you stupid oaf! I command you...!" And then, suddenly, the Demanicus DID put Turbo down... or rather, almost dropped him! The Demanicus, you see, had suddenly collapsed against the hillside. He sprawled limply across the hill, and then tried to push himself back to a standing position, now looking very weak. Meanwhile, back in Flawsquaw's small domain: The rest of the Group had materialized, and were standing about, looking at their surroundings. "What is this place?" asked Nomad. "I have created this tiny domain," explained Flawsquaw, "between the real universe most of you originally came from and the artificial universe you are persuing your Quest in, so that we might bring back SirLoin." "Uh..." said Nomad, "what was that about... an artificial universe?" "Nevermind that," said Flawsquaw, "we'll get to that later. First things first, we have to resurrect SirLoin." She turned to Trailblazer. "Now, lets have the map out." Trailblazer reached into his pocket, and then stopped a moment, looking perplexed. He checked his other pockets. "Uhhh..." he said. "I've got your map," said Thunder, pulling it out of his pocket. "Spread it out on the floor," said Flawsquaw. He did. "Now, where was SirLoin destroyed? Point to it on the map." Trailblazer pointed to the location. "Fine, now... place Lightning's saddle on the map." [From: Nomad Re: How many plots can you cram into one phonebooth?] "Huh?" said several people at once. "Look back several posts," said Flawsquaw, "you will see a line about SirLoin being reincarnated as Lightning's saddle." "Oh," said several people. Lightning walked over to where their horses and unicorns had materialized in the chamber. She removed the saddle from her horse and brought it over to the map. "It seems a trifle too large to fit on the spot on the map," observed Nomad. Flawsquaw replied, "Simply stand it on one leg, so to speak, on the map." She did. "Now, where is SirLoin's magic firebow?" "His what?" said Prisoner. "The silver thing he was wielding at everyone, I guess," said Nomad. "Oh, that," said Thunder. He walked to his horse and pulled out the strange silver half-circular thing from a pouch. He turned and walked back to the map with it. "Place it on the floor here by the map." Flawsquaw pointed to a place at the side of the map closest to where the saddle was being held. Thunder placed the item on the floor there. "Now we need one of SirLoin's garments." Thunder went and fetched a loincloth from what had been SirLoin's baggage, and then walked back to the map with it. "Lay it across the saddle." He did. "Now." Flawsquaw brought back out the little gadget she had used earlier and punched more buttons. The specified place on the map began to glow, and then the saddle began to give off a strange, pulsating hum. The saddle began to glow light blue, and then suddenly became an indistinct field of energy which pulsated and churned about. It took on the shape of a boy, and then became distinct again. It was SirLoin! "'Bout time!" said SirLoin. "It was a royal nuisance being dead." He stepped off the map and picked up the silver firebow from the floor. [From: Turbo Re: In the Fantasy World...] As Turbo stumbled away...the party members rejoiced at the sight of him in pain. "You fools",Turbo said.You dare mock me? Turbo took out a small pouch and opened it.Inside was some dust...(magic of course). "This is the dust of death...One whiff of this and you all will be DEAD!!!",Turbo yelled. Turbo went to throw the bag when all of the sudden a sword went through his hand!AHHHHHHH!!! "Who did this?"Turbo asked showing the party his hand. [From: Lightning Re: In the Fantasy World...] Then Lightning, using her majestical powers, heals turbos hands. There is a rebel in this group, and I know who it is, it is the one person whos never been happy here, the one person no one would have ever expected it is....dum dum dum....Trailbalzers "babe"......Everyone gasps in amazement as the sqaw scurries off into the shadows. Lightning stops sirloin from running after her and reminds everyone that there is a quest, and that it must be achieved quickly because there is more to this quest then anyone other then the herself knows. The group snuggles in next to the fire for a good nights sleep as lightning and keith take the first shift, they will awake nomad and turbo in a few hours. [From: Turbo Re: In the Fantasy World...] With Lightning and Keith on guard...Turbo knew he could not get out without being noticed...He knew that Demonicus rew stronger by the minute and once reached a certian point...he would go on a Rampage and destroy the world.Turbo could not take it any more.He took his bag of sleeping dust and through it near Lightning and Keith...In a few minutes they were both knocked out.Turbo ran out and saw Demonicus...Asleep.Turbo grabbed a sword and put it up do the monsters eye.He wanted to stab him...But for some reason he still had that hate in him...He still wanted revenge on Adol... "Turbo!",A voice called.Long time no see! "Adol?",Turbo replied.You scum sucking....! The two drew their swords and started fighting!In their battle they spoke and talked about the past.Soon...they each slowed their fightning speed down....and then...stopd. "But why Adol...Why did yousteal my glory...What was it that made you so pig-headed?",Turbo asked. "I don't know Turbo.. just seemed...Oh well...It's past.",Adol replied. "I guess so...Hey...let me introduce you to...",Turbo stated. RRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh-Oh... I think we woke him up... RRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [From: Sirloin Re: i] followed turbo to see what he was up to.. As i saw the monster approaching,i grabbed turbo by his collar and dragged him to saftey. "What were you doing you dolt?!?!?" I asked franticly. "Uh,,,,i went out for a walk,yeah,thats the ticket" "Sure. Ccome on, We have to get bacck!" "No!" Turb screemed. "we..... [From: Nomad Re: Flawsquaw's... character flaw!] (Flawsquaw goes out of her way to bring back SirLoin, and gives every indication she is here to help the Group save themselves... and suddenly she's a rebelious person who cannot fit in, and therefore doesn't belong in the Group? Uhhhhhmmmm... are you guys even paying attention to the story?) "No! Turbo screamed. "We have to save Adol!" "We have to... what?" said an incredulous SirLoin. "We have to save Adol!" said Turbo. "I was wrong about him! We hated each other over something that wasn't real!" He leaped back to the aid of Adol. SirLoin followed him in, weilding his magic Silver Flamebow... the curious sculpture-like half-circular artifact that had been handed down to him by his uncle's nephew on his mother's side. It had a handle at the straight back edge, one like found on certain kinds of shovels, plus another such handle to the rounded front edge. The artifact was aimed like a bow and arrow, only without the arrows, and a bolt like a fireball would strike the intended target. P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHH!!!! The Demanicus dropped Adol. He tried to reach down and pick his up again. P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHH!!!! The Demanicus got his arm singed, and Adol got a few more feet away. The Demanicus came after him again. P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHH!!!! The Demanicus got his legs singed. "What are you DOING?!?!?!?!" hollered a hysterical Turbo. P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHH!!!! "You're just making him angry! He'll come kill us all now!!" The Demanicus took several menacing steps towards the two men and the boy. The three people began to back away. P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHH!!!! P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHH!!!! P'P'P'KLLLAKKHHHHHHHHH!!!! "What are we gonna DO!!!" yelled Adol as the Demanicus suddenly came to stand right over them and started to take a gigantic backswipe at them with his massive arm... [From: Nomad Re: ...with his massive arm...] ...when suddenly Flawsquaw appeared again in a bright flash of light! She made wild, arcane gestures in the air, and the air glowed grey and white before her arms. The glow shot out fast as lightning, expanding to totally enclose the Demanicus. The monster suddenly vanished! "Flawsquaw?" said Turbo. "Why did you save us? I thought you were a rebel who could not coexist with the rest of the group." "Co-existence or not," said Flawsquaw, "I went out of my way to help the Group. And just remember what I did for SirLoin. Whether or not I fit in with the group, and whether or not any of my agendas may conflict with those of the Group... I have every reason to help the Group as much as I can. You are too important to the continued existence, the continued freedom of this particular universe!" There was a long moment of silence as the three attempted to come to grips with what had just been said. And then the rest of the Group members emerged from outside the clearing, having heard the awful noise of the battle. They, too, had just heard what Flawsquaw had said. Finally, someone broke the silence. "What did you DO to the monster?" asked SirLoin. "I teleported him far, far away. Listen, this is very important. To continue your Quest, you must seek out the one known as the Lady Robbin. She can be found in the land of Awklindyne, just to the south of the Asydon Mountains. You must also seek out TweedleWho, who lives nearby." With that said, she vanished. "Wow!" said SirLoin. (There, Robbin, you wanted to be written in! I've done it!) (Yer welcome!) [From: Galahad Re: Awklindyne/Asydon] (Thanks goes out to Nomad for keeping the story alive) Trailblazer and Flawsquaw pass vague glances. Trailblazer stands on a soapbox which Flawsquaw gets from behind an until now unnoticed bush. "Fellow Party. It is obvious we must visit with Lady Robbin. I can tell you now I have never been to the land of Awklindyne, but my great great grandfather told me an uncle who visited there. The people are supposed to be rather backward, yet highly advanced in the ways of technology. Sadly, they use this technology to the aid of only a small percentage of the population. Just as a wild guess, with a little help from the O so Bright Flawsqaw, I assume this Lady Robbin would want safe passage out of Awklindyne. Why, you might ask? Well, it's rather simple ... once you enter the land, ye are not allowed to leave. The capital, Awk, sits on a massive island of sheer granite. I hope that's not where she is, otherwise we will have a harder time getting in, then getting out." Trailblazer gets off the soapbox, and holds Flawsquaw's hand. Together, as one voice, they say, "We are pledged to guide, by our tribal custom. We turn to you, the more sly, to come up with a plan to enter the unimpregnable Awklidyne. We will guide you through to the moutains, and find passage on a ship to the island Awk, if need be." [From: Turbo Re: As the story continues...] "So what are we waiting for?",asked Sirloin. There was a short pause...then... "You go",Turbo said.I know Demonicus...He'll be back.Remember...he has magic too. "Have it your way",SirLoin and a some of the party members said. As the rest of the party starts to leave... "ADOL!",Yelled Turbo.Your not going too...Are you? "Well...I'll guess you'll need help",Adol said with a smirk.You'll need the help!Hehehe! "Yeah...Right...So Long all",Turbo said. The party members waved goodbye and started on there quest. Many days later..................... "Turbo...listen...Demonicus hasn't showed up...let's find the rest of the party",Adol sighed. "Listen OwlPellet!",Turbo Yelled!I know this demon!He's all evil...evil always comes back!We can't leave and let him destroy many,many lives!We must stay!We Must Sta... All of the sudden...A large "poof" of smoke appeared. "It's him",Turbo whispered.Now...let's fight...Fight until he dies...or we die. RRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! [To be continued...]